Monday, November 26, 2007

Thanksgivng this year

Three stuffed turkeys?

The view this morning

Something to be thankful for
God put on a beautiful show for me this morning

Thursday, November 08, 2007

I really like fall, it is my favorite time of year. Not just because the cool weather sets it, we don't have blazing hot summers in Oregon as a rule, at least they don't last very long when they are hot, a few days in the 100's, several in the 90's and the rest are moderate. It is fairly dry in the summer humidity-wise. The fall brings welcome cool temps but it also brings a quiet that just isn't there in the summer and the sprng. It's the quiet in the house when everyone else has left, and it's just you. The mists begin to shroud the hills and valleys, they soften the hard edges. It's a time of relaxation that I just don't feel in the summer. Summer is time of extremes and fall, for me is a time of balance. Anyway, I got a new camera, and I took a few quick shots around the yard. Enjoy!

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

My new car
