Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Summer vacation to Southern Oregon

So we had our week long trip to southern oregon, camped at Lake Selmac and made several side trips in the area. I have to say the big disapointment was Ashland, it just wasn't all that. I remember it fondly from high scholl when we went there for the Shakespeare Festival for English class. We had to tag team the backstage tour because of the dog. I can kind of get that, but in a college town you would think that the town itself would be somewhat dog friendly, we couldn't even enter Lithia park with the dog, see pics below. Friggin Nazis. Dog haters. We ate our picnic lunch just outside the park with sneering wannabe counter cultural college student-sheep looking at us like bugs. Yuck, we left there and went on to the vortex. Now that was fun. The pics don't really do it justice, maybe I will play around with them some and remove the background so you can see the size difference when people change location. I can't explain it but I saw it. Hmm. We did get down to Cresent CIty, it's still #)(#%*&^%*&($California but the seaside pics were nice. Our campground was nearly deserted the whole week. All in all it was nice and we may go back another itme.


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