I am glad to see that for the most part my daughter is doing better at the new school. It is so much smaller and designed to work with kids that don't fit in well or have trouble with following rules. She gets awarded based on right behavior and priviledge taken away for wrong behavior. It is kind of B.F. Skinner-ish, but if it is teaching her more acceptable ways of functioning, then I am ok with that. I think a big part of her problem is that she has so many unacceptable ways of getting things done, much conflict would be avoided if, for instance, she simply asked for what she needed instead of screaming at us and throwing thengs to get her way. It sounds simple but we react to her outbursts and she reacts to our reaction and it doesn't end. She is learning new ways of behaving that don't cause everyone around her to go "Whatthef*&%?" and that is a "good thing".