Thursday, July 07, 2005

What a wonderful world

I am saddened by the news from London. God bless those who made it and comfort the families and loved ones of those who didn't. I know that there will be those who will point fingers and say "see, it's our fault for being involved where we should not be". As if trying to help a country is a bad thing. Our soldiers in Iraq are trying to build schools, hospitals and infrastructure, the reason it's not in place already is that the idiots who don't want that are blowing them up as fast as they are built. And then these same people turn around and say that we aren't making progress! Well, duh? I have to wonder, how stupid do they think the world is? Is it not obvious that they are the ones standing in the way? They blow up innocent people on buses, buildings and planes and yet we are evil? I am certain there will be mass protests across the world for those people who can't stomach the murder, but apparantly can stomach the murderers. Get out of Iraq, don't get involved, it's wrong! How many of those protests will protest the bombing and murder of those on the London subway none of whom were killing Iraqi's? How much more effective if those who protest were protesting the killing of Iraqi's by their own insurgents? Who are the bad guys? It's like Alice through the looking glass sometimes, up is down, right is wrong and nothing is what it seems.


Blogger ukok said...

Thanks so much, I know that 'this' Brit very much appreciates your well wishes for our people.

God Bless.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005 7:25:00 AM  
Blogger madmom said...

And I appreciate all that you folks have done to help, at a great cost. Thank you for your good wishes and God bless you too.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005 12:51:00 PM  

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