Wednesday, July 06, 2005

I am getting way to domestic. I made two cakes today. Not one, not me, no way. There was a good reason, I needed 8 (count them) 8 egg yokes for the yellow cake that my husband saw Alton Brown make, and darn it, if he can do so can I. I had 3 egg whites left over from the key lime pie I made Sunday for the BBQ, so it only made sense to make an angel food cake with all those egg whites. Except I have never made one, not from scratch and not from a box. I don't have the right pan either. I have a bundt pan but not a tube cake pan. All that being said, I did it. And it was good. Hee hee hee, mad giggling ensues. It was really good. I frosted it with orange glaze. The yellow cake got a bit over done on the bottom but looks fine on top. I am not having as good luck with the frosting on that, I never do cooked frosting and hubby wanted me to do a fancy one, it seems kind of like good fundge gone bad, but well see after it sits in the fridge for a while. Humph, can't win them all can I?
All in a days work. Daughter leaves tomorrow for another beach outing with another friend. She is a busy little bee this summer. Son is doing well on his new meds. Dr started him on Strattera, which is a non stimulant ADHD med. It is funny, he is so much calmer than before. He is doing better and he says he feels a lot better, less edgy, less fidgety. That's the thing that gets me when people wag their fingers at me and tell me how bad it is to medicate your kids for being kids. I don't think they have ever seen a kid suffer from truly being unable to be calm or at peace. I know how it feels to be edgy and irritable, how bad can it be to be that way all the time with no relief? Kids don't want to be medicated just for being kids. My son says he feels better and is glad he is taking the meds. I can see he is calmer and less irritable. It's hard to watch a kid suffer, so irritated they can't stand to be in a room with more than one person talking or the TV on, driven to tears by frustration by the least little difficulty. That can be quite a handicap. Anyhoo, things are better.


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