Tuesday, May 17, 2005

I'm not being reactionary.....

Ok, so maybe I am, but puleeze!

My husband thinks I am a cynic because I check stuff out on Snopes.

I like Snopes, it's like "mythbusters" online. I think people are WAY too eager to just swallow everything they read, just because it's in print or someone told them. Everytime I get some ominous email warning me of the dangers of drinking out of the milk jug or cat juggling or eating pop rocks with coke, I just have a need to check it out.

I mentioned this on my hubby's blog, in the comments. I am the youngest of three, with an older brother and sister. I had every trick in the book pulled on me and I was a prime target because they could make me cry. I was also the good student and well behaved one so I was just asking for it on so many levels.

Perhaps it came as somewhat of a surprise to me that people would actually try to fool me intentionally, duplicity is not in my nature. I lie terribly, and with only great effort. I just don't like to do it at all. I might be nice and not say how I really feel but I won't out and out lie. I know everytime it happened (when someone would fool me) I felt and still feel gut wrenched. It hurts. Perhaps worse than most anything else because it feels like such a betrayal. Even about minor things, it really is the principal of the matter.

Anyway, I think some of my cynicism comes about as a result of being somewhat self protective. I don't personally think of it as cynicism, checking out a story. It's not like I am pulling a criminal record check on family and friends. It's not even that I think people are trying to pass on bad information intentionally. I just think that too many people give little thought to stuff before they pass it along. It's like "oh, that's so cute or so sweet or whatever" and they hop on someone's band wagon and there you go. I don't want to pass along something that is in error, it matters to me. Just because something sounds good or looks good, doesn't mean it is good.

Funny enough, he (hubby) also admits that the glaring exception is that I accept the bible as true. I don't think that is out of line, I believe God is trustworthy and that his character is impeccable. I believe he is the source of the content and therefore I have no reason not to believe. I have never seen a good refutation of the bible that doesn't lean heavily on assumptions that are just a biased as the ones I probably carry. They just assume different things.

So, no, I don't think there is anything wrong with checking out a story, especially in this world of insta-story, the speed with which things go around as a result of technology. There is so much out there and people question so little.

There is even (yes, you know it had to come) a spiritual implication in being gullible. We are cautioned to be "like the Bereans", who were ready to listen but searched the scriptures daily to see if these thing be true. Our enemy is skilled at making bad things look quite appealing. If we just accept things with no question we will be fooled. God doesn't try to hide things. Yes he asks us to accept some things on faith, but also promises us when we do we will be blessed. You'll know when you got it right because you will see your life change.

It's ok to check things out, be a scholar, use your head as well as your heart. We are told to be wise as serpents and gentle as doves. We look with our eyes, think with our brains, feel with our hearts. I guess the challenge is examining things without losing the heart part. In the realm of God, that's good, in the realm of internet fodder, I don't think that the heart part is nearly as big an issue. That's my several more than two cents worth.


Blogger PCDoc said...

My point hon is that you take little on faith, with the aforementioned exception. To me, that means that there are the occasional times that something small should simply be enjoyed at face value. I have no doubt that at some level, this is a short-coming of mine.

In your response to me, it was mentioned that you were the last of three. As you know my love, I am next to last from a HERD! I guess, more than anything, it's just a point of view. I certainly didn't mean anything derogatory, and still love you OODLES :) Doc

Tuesday, May 17, 2005 9:29:00 PM  
Blogger madmom said...

But, I don't enjoy things that aren't true, it bugs me. Even small things, seemingly unimportant things. I know you love me, no question there, but in this thing we differ. I suppose it wouldn't do any good to mention that there are many things you are just as "funny" about that seem just as insignificant to me (I wont list them)We often diverge on what we think is funny as well. I enjoy looking into where things come from, how they work, and so on. To me that is fun. Researching a story can be as entertaining as the story itself. Allow me the freedom to enjoy things in the way I want to, and I will not critique you either.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005 8:14:00 AM  
Blogger madmom said...

Of course, that's why we are so good for each other, everything I'm good at, you're not and everything you're good at I'm not. I'll try hrder to appreciate the differences!

Wednesday, May 18, 2005 8:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's so nice to see communication between a husband and wife. For something REALLY different, you might want to try it face to face - scary but unique!

Friday, May 27, 2005 2:55:00 AM  

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