Monday, March 14, 2005

past few weeks

I know that I mentioned that things seemed crazy as soon as I quit my job. They were, and they have been. However, I can honestly say that, other than the lack of paycheck, this has been such a good thing.
I am:
1) surprised-I am much busier than I imagined Iwould be, it turns out there is a lot more to do around the house that, evidently has not been getting done.
2) beginning to relax a little, and realizing how much energy and attention was going into work and worry, I am a lot less worried.
3) enjoying finding new ways to do things and trying new thing out. I have discovered that you can make tapioca from scratch. I really didn't know that, much to my mother's chagrin. She was very surprised that I hadn't been making it that way all along. It is good, there is something very soothing about a big warm dish of home made tapioca pudding with a dollop of whipped cream on top, just melting.
4) I am NOT bored, also a surprise.

I am planning to teach my daughter to sew, which she has wanted to do for several years. We'll go to Joann fabrics and pick out an easy pattern, some material and walk her through it. I could have paid 40 dollars to let the school do it as an afterschool class but it's more fun this way. I am planning what we'll do for Easter, I am trying to get away from the candy fest it always seems to become. I have started a tradition of Easter story cookies, which as a lot of fun and pretty good to eat. As you add each ingredient there is a reading and lesson about that item and what they mean, and at the end you put them in the warmed oven, turn it off and tape it shut. In the morning you open up the tomb and the cookies, which are like a meringue, are cracked on the top and hollow inside. Very fun and very cool. The kids like to do this one.

We are not going anywhere for spring break so I will look for things we can do here. There is a pool in Portland that has lots of kids stuff and is very cheap. There is usually doings at the local library and community center, we'll find something.
I am glad to see that I am able to give my family more attention, something I think they need, and I have not been able to do. I am enjoying their company more. I am not tired all the time, what a concept.

Well, that's al for now, there has been lots more and I will write some of it later.
Life is good -----^------,---<@ -------,-----'----<@ ------'---,---<@


Blogger Patty-Jo said...

I quit working 15 years ago so I could stay home and raise my youngest child. I wouldn't trade that time for anything! I too am never bored, and I hope I never have to work outside the home again. I am fortunate that my husband is a faithful provider. We're not rich by any means, but we have enough, and a little extra.

Monday, March 14, 2005 9:33:00 PM  
Blogger madmom said...

I believe that, I don't regret it. I spent several years being the main provider myself, and it was not fun, my husband didn't like having to ask me for money (even if he didn't he felt like he did). I think he feels better about himself this way, he doesn't like to be dependent. I felt like I eneded up earning al themoney and doing all the work anyway, it stunk. He has worked where he is now for more than 6 years, it's been a good job. His only regret is not being able to go to college, and with me at home that would be tough. Maybe down the road when the kids are out, they can go to college together. I want to begin a parish nurse ministry at our church, they are working on grant funding for it. It would pay peanuts but the work would be flexible and a lot more fulfilling than other I have done. A little extra income would be great but not at the expense of stuff at home. I think doing the parish nursing would be a good fit for me right now.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005 8:15:00 AM  

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