Ok, thanks to my Mom (Thanks, Mom!) we now have some great text books to use for my daughter for next year, when I teach her at home. It was a lot of fun looking for books, because we got to decide what I want to teach, pick things that were interesting and personalize it. I don't know how this will go but I am looking forward to trying and I think it will be fun. To supplement what we do at home I will be signing her up for a homeschooling program through the school district that will give her a chance to take classes, not for credit but as an adjunct to, her studies at home. I'm thinking PE, or at least some group sport, science lab, maybe a music class. The fees are minima, 5-15 dollars. I hope she is as excited as I am, but the kid has some serious unwinding to do. She has spent years being told she is failing and she really believes, and has the grades to prove it. What I will need to teach her is that it's not the grades that matter as much as what she learns. When it stops being a performance based system of learning, and instead becomes an environment of learning in which learning is a reward in and of itself, the whole rebellion thing will not survive. She has derived so much energy from not doing what she is told, perhaps when she is the one who gets to call the shots, to some degree, and she isn't constantly being held up to the "look at what you're not doing right" mirror, just learning will be fun again. That is my prayer anyway.
That's my prayer for you too.
Mine three. With great fear and trepidation, but I have faith we'll "git-r-done" in a way that will enable her to flourish, and not being held to some preset standard that doesn't apply.
I hope you are well!
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