School days
Well, the kids started school this week, it has been a busy week! Of course this week I had to do a bunch of training stuff for my new job which meant full days instead of the half days I am supposed to work. The kids had to go to school the first day without me at home to meet them. That stunk. I feel like a bad mom with latch key kids when they come home to an empty house. The fact that we really need the money and I am doing it so we can afford better things for them doesn't make it better. It isn't forever. Tomorrow is the last long day, for a while. We still have occasional afternoon meetings, or a full day of work which means the next day off but that happens maybe once a month.
One good thing is that my daughter's psychologist suggested I go to the CHADD website and find their form letter to request an evaluation for learning disability and develop an IEP or 504 plan. Previous attempts I made were rebuffed by the school, probably because I was asking verbally instead of in writing. They are required to respond to a written request. I found it and sent it in. Her middle school counselor called to let me know their "team" will be meeting this friday, and will review her case. Based on what they decide there, they will schedule an evaluation if appropriate. I am not sure who does the eval and what exactly it entails, but it is required before they can consider her for an IEP or any special ed type help. I am so looking forward to that, because it is the first ray of sunshine in this kids schooling. If they can get her some kind of designation they will have to provide what she needs based on her learning ability and limitations, that is approriate to her needs. That has never happened before. She has always just had everything kind of shoved at her and she has been unable to keep up with the work or absorb what they are trying to teach her. It has been kind of futile. The best progress has been made via things like Title I math and such, where she has small group or one to one help. Otherwise she just flounders. Her attitude is better too. I mean, it's only the first week but, hey, so far so good.
I pray that all is well with folks, this is a tough time, but there is always hope!
Oh, yeah, I forgot, we got in another car wreck, this time we were rearended, so not only do I have to get the scratches fixed, but I have to get the bunper straightened out. I got kind of sore in the neck after this, the Doc says it is a cervical muscle strain. It still hurts, and I am sore. I have injured joints before that have given me trouble ever since, and it worries me. I hope that all will be well.
One good thing is that my daughter's psychologist suggested I go to the CHADD website and find their form letter to request an evaluation for learning disability and develop an IEP or 504 plan. Previous attempts I made were rebuffed by the school, probably because I was asking verbally instead of in writing. They are required to respond to a written request. I found it and sent it in. Her middle school counselor called to let me know their "team" will be meeting this friday, and will review her case. Based on what they decide there, they will schedule an evaluation if appropriate. I am not sure who does the eval and what exactly it entails, but it is required before they can consider her for an IEP or any special ed type help. I am so looking forward to that, because it is the first ray of sunshine in this kids schooling. If they can get her some kind of designation they will have to provide what she needs based on her learning ability and limitations, that is approriate to her needs. That has never happened before. She has always just had everything kind of shoved at her and she has been unable to keep up with the work or absorb what they are trying to teach her. It has been kind of futile. The best progress has been made via things like Title I math and such, where she has small group or one to one help. Otherwise she just flounders. Her attitude is better too. I mean, it's only the first week but, hey, so far so good.
I pray that all is well with folks, this is a tough time, but there is always hope!
Oh, yeah, I forgot, we got in another car wreck, this time we were rearended, so not only do I have to get the scratches fixed, but I have to get the bunper straightened out. I got kind of sore in the neck after this, the Doc says it is a cervical muscle strain. It still hurts, and I am sore. I have injured joints before that have given me trouble ever since, and it worries me. I hope that all will be well.
I hope things go well for your daughter. It's such a relief to have a little help when we're fighting for our children. I'm sorry you were in another accident. Hope you feel better soon. In the mean time I'm sure you already know what a blessing a hot rice bag can be.
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