Saturday, April 01, 2006

A good reminder

In my prayer time yesterday, God reminded me of something I need to remember better. He loves me, anyway. Not until, not if, not when, not because, not anything. He loves me, anyway. I know that I do stupid things, that I mess up, that I miss the mark, all the time, but the thing is, he doesn't sit around waiting for me to finally hit the mark and then he bewtows upon me the love I want and need. He just loves me, anyway. I am loved, and accepted and valued. We spend a lot of our lives trying feel valued (and doing things that we think give us value, a works mentality) or feeling unvalued, and not caring what we do because it matters not at all. God never views us as without value. He paid a huge price, the ultimate price to redeem us, placing a higher value on us than his own life. He valued us so much he was willing to die in order to save us. He did that for me before I was even born, knowing I would mess us time and again. He didn't do it because I earned it, he did it because he loves me. And he loves me not because of what I do. He loves me, anyway.


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