Saturday, February 18, 2006

Where we're at now

Well, it has been a busy and stressful time but I hope in the end it will all have been worth it. My daughter is now enrolled in a program through a local provider of mental health services to help her with her emotional issues. It is a kind of intensive day treatment program, which will give her the therapy she needs to get better, feel better, while still giving her the academic support she needs. I worryat times she will get too far behind, but then, she is already behind and not catching up. If we don't fix the emotional issues that keep her from succeeding, she will just stay behind anyway. It's like a marathon runner who has a broken foot, you have to fix the foot first before you train for the marathon, no matter how far behind that gets you from the other runners. Perhaps she will need to take mroe time than the average kid needs to get through school and into life. If she doesn, I guess she does, what are you going to do? I hope that there continues to be support for her as she transitions from school to college, in terms of emotional and educational support that she currently gets. I think if the federal government mandates special ed resources for elementay and secondary school but drops them on their butts in college they won't be doing them any favors. Oh well, that is a ways off and today has it's own troubles to be dealt with. We'll get family counseling as well as individual for her. We need it. I have to say that once the school began dealing with it they have done a great job, it just took a long time for them to deal with it, and I think that if we didn't push it, they wouldn't have dealt with it. We would have gone round the same merry go round as before. That's how we got here in the first place. She is better, less stressed, well, she isn;t relaly doing anything in school right now, things are on hold until she gets to her new program and academics willt ake a back seat to emotional helath for a while. I think that's ok, the kid has been bearing a load to heavy for her for too long anyway. I say let her get better, she has her whole life to grow up and learn. As it stands right now she doesn't really learn much, she is to stressed. I pray that she will not get involved in drugs,s o many kids do, as a way to self medicate, I watched my sister do that, it is ugly. I want her to get the tools that the rest of us take for granted, how to survive the world intact, and deal with each day without turning to chemicals to make it happen. God is by her side and she has the strenght, we just need to help her gain the skills. She is a fighter, but she is also sometimes a fragile kid. I lift her up and hold her tight and hope and pray that she will stand her ground against the world that tries so hard to beat her down, and realize that she is more than a conquerer, with God on her side. She feels she is all alone against the world and she tries to insulate herself against she she imagines to be the enemy and in the process she insulates herself against those that would help her and the very things that she needs. She is fighting battles that aren't there.

What a metaphor for how we all are in this world. The enemy's greatest tool is to wear us out fighting battles we don't have to because God already won them. We just have to stand in the victory Christ already has gotten. Yet we don't see it and so we don't believe it. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. We think it's our war. Our battle mainly, is to stand on what Christ has already done, against an enemy who is trying to make us believe that isn't true. We fight fear and darkness and lies with the truth. The truth is, God won, the battle is over, the victory is his, and ours. We enforce that with the enemy. It's not our victory, it's God. Praise God and Hallelujah!


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