Art around our home
My eldest when she was about a year old. She is now almost 18, and boy do I feel old!
Another one by mom in law, nice landscape, it hangs in the living room.
My daughter's room, her counselor said it would be good to have something listing attributes she would like to have or that she has, kind of an affirmation thing. Of course I couldn't just list them, I had to add some glitter.
Iona abbey. A gift from my friend and our priest when he went there, I had given him a book with devotions based on prayers from Iona, and he gave me this picture. It is beautiful.
My eldest, who lives with her dad, drew this for my daughter. Almost 18, my oldest daughter is a wonderful artist. She will be getting a degree in graphic arts.
My dad painted this, way back when. He passed away in 86, so this is very special to me. He carved wood, did carpentry, and painted. He wasn't trained but had a natural talent.
My mom and dad, a few years back.
My two youngest, they were absolutely adorable, about 1 and 2 years old. Aren't they cute?
Another art work by my 13 year old, when she was 7. I know this because it has her name and "Age 7" on it.
My mother in law painted this. She has a fine arts degree and does or did a lot of work earlier. This is set by the ocean, probably in SC or thereabouts.
I made this after 9/11 along with several others as table decorations for a church meal. They are simply glass beads mortared onto a votive holder. They shine like stained glass.
My daughter's latest art, it's acrylic! SHe wasn't sure what it was, just a mix of colors. Looks like the ocean to me.
My daughter drew this in Kindergarten, I have saved it all these years and hang it wherever we live. It is dog eared but well loved.
One of my senior pictures, it hangs in my bedroom. My dad got it framed several years ago with an antique frame he found. I like the frame as much as the picture.
Detail from the frame, isn't it exquisite?
A lovely gift from Sharon, hangs in my kitchen. I love angels!
A gift from the priest who did our marriage renewal, it is an icon for the "Wedding at Cana", where Jesus performed his first miracle of changing water into wine.
Seems you are a family full of talent!! very nice artwork, and your daughter is exceptionally talented!!!
I wish I had some more of what my oldest daughter has done, she did a pen and ink drawing that won an award at the state fair, of a hawk sitting on a branch. I have asked her dad for a copy but they haven't given me one yet. She has a very nice portfolio started. (Hubby says Hi! Suzanne!)
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