Wednesday, November 12, 2008

What is next

I have to say, I am not happy, not happy at all about the election, and it isn't because one guy won and another lost. I am angry that the choices we had were so poor, on both sides, I am angry that it seems at times there is truly a conspiracy of greed or of greedy people that make decisions for the rest of the populace, to the greedy's benefit, and that, it would seem, as long as they provide us with the appearance of security, prosperity or whatever they think will placate us, they can do or say whatever they wish. It isn't a party thing, and it isn't a class thing other than the fact that it seems those who are the richest usually have their fingers in the pie the deepest. I think that the media is in cahoots or at the very least, being used by this faction, to create the appearance of a conflict, to manipulate. Don't get me wrong, I believe the left in this country is heading in the wrong direction, it just seems to me that they are heading there faster than the right, but in the end, they are both headed the same way, and that's the way the powers that be want it. They don't care how we get there as long as we get there. I don't know where "there" is (I have my suspicions), but it no longer seems to matter what we common folk think or want. I don't truly believe we live in a democratic republic, I think that's is just one of the illusions we are allowed to exist under to keep us happy and calm. I don't think that anything that happens, happens by accident, and again, don't get me wrong, I believe God is in control of the mess, but while this little play is playing out, we just think we are in the land of the free and the home of the brave. There are brave people and there are people who will not be made slaves, but as a country, we are not unified and we are not one nation. We were once. We are, I believe in at least the middle stages of being subdued in a quiet gentle fashion. Oh, every once in a while a glimpse gets out of the behind the scenes machinations but no one really latches on, at least not globally enough to make a difference. Look at the bailout fiasco, look at Minnesota elections, look at the last Washingtom state elections. It always heads in the same direction and it is just incremental enough to keep us from really realizing the bitter pill we are being fed. I don't have any answers and I don't know that anyone can make it stop. I do believe that anyone who sees it must remain aware, must remain awake, and hold to what is true and honest. We cannot allow ourselves to be put to sleep, to be deceived. There are few enough who see it, but there must always remain a remnant who are aware and who can speak the truth. In the end, I think the truth does not become dimmer as the light fades, I believe it becomes clearer and more resonant, the more untruth fills the air, what is true becomes more and more apperant. I know people are more and more muddles about right and wrong, but that only makes truth more apperant when they hear it. They can chose not to listen but they cannot chose not to hear, not when it is spoken. Don't be afraid to hold to what is true, to what is good and to what is right. There is a difference between right and wrong, not all things are relative, unless you are holding them up to compare with the one true source of light and good and love. Anything else is just a copy, an imitation. Imitations can be beautiful but that doesn't make them authentic. Don't judge things by their outward appearance, develop an instinct for that inner voice that proves to be reliable. Test that voice, and listen to that voice. If it leads you wrong, keep listening for the authentic voice. Your spirit will know the difference. Most of all, don't be afraid. We are in good hands, no matter what it looks like, and I don't mean Obama's hands.


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