Tuesday, January 11, 2005

A little bit of this, a little bit of that

My cat Sammy is lovingly gazing at me as I type. What a great cat, who says cats are aloof and boring? This sweet guy lsays good morning, gives me kitty kisses (he doesn't actually kiss me, he gets really close and smells my mouth, I dunno, it's a CAT thing), he purrs and rubs my hand (or the table or whatever is within reach), he greets us at the door when we come home and watches out the window when we leave, and he flops on the ground in front of you, rolls back and forth, stretches out his tummy and says, "don't you want to rub my tummy?" . I have never seen a cat who wants his stomach scratched."Kay, enough about the cat (but he's so Cute!)
Morning musings- No wish to retread old ground already thoroughly tread by others, I just want to weigh in. On the whole marriage issue, the problem is not the government recognizing gay marriages persay, marriage is a Christian covenanat, other religions have their own version, I believe it was God's idea in the first place and supercedes any involvment or sanctioning by governments, it is an individual matter. We got into trouble when we made churches and ministers agents of the state. It should matter not at all, (except in the determining of legal sta
tus for progeny and benefits of survivorship, which the state can define any way it wants to), to the state who marries who. I am not in favor of same sex marriage because I do believe marriage is a religious act, not a civil one, and I believe the bible is clear that homosexual activity is proscribed. I don't think that homosexual behavior is any worse than any other sin, I would not want the state to sanction anything that is in conflict with my values, be it murder, bestiality, child sacrifice, stealing, lying, etc. BUT I do not believe it is the states' job to enforce my values, I do what I believe is right because I believe it is right, not because the law says I have to. When the law and my consience disagree, I will respect the law as much as possible but do not want to violate my consience over the law. Thank God this has not been a problem so far, but since we live in a country where Christian values are no longer the basis for many of our judicial decisions, even though the constitution is based on Judeo-Chrisitan ethics, I see that I cannot count on the government to tell me the difference between right and wrong, if it ever could. The state can do as it likes in regards to civil unions, recognize any relationship it wants, but I don't have to like it or agree with it and as long as I have a say in what happens I will vote the way I believe. I would not care much if the state decided to revoke the benefits of recognizing marriage and just get out of the business entirely, but it would not do so. Stable, healthy families benefit it in the long run. We pay more taxes, use fewer services and add more productive citizens for the future. Married parents are better off finacially than unmarried. Encouraging people to get and stay married is in the interest of the state. For the same reason, encouraging behavior that leads to increase health risk, unstable relationships, domestic abuse, chemical abuse, etc would not be a good idea for states either. Anyone can use whatever standard personally they wish, to guide and define their behavior, but 1) Judeo-Christian values and belief have stood the test of time and 2)if followed by the vast majority of people would result in less crime, stronger familes, lower divorce, violence and need for social services. "Against such there is no law". It is "not following" the instructions as given by the manufacturer that causes us trouble. I know, in a perfect world, and we're not there yet. But individually, if people took a little more responsibility for their own actions and stopped blaming everything else for their failings there would be less need for more and more laws (that we can't enforce anyway!!!) If engaging in homosexual sex puts you at high risk for contracting several deblitating health problems, don't blame the state for not putting enough money into trying to keep you healthy, when it's your own actions that put you at risk in the first place. There are enough collateral victims that need support because they were infected through birth, by transfusions or by accident, they weren't running around having sex with high risk people. Too much whining. If I eat myself to death, smoke like a smoke stack and sleep with everything that has a penis, then complain that my health and personal life aren't good, does anyone owe me anythng? NO! If having several children out of wedlock when you have no visible means of support, would repesent a financial hardship, don't ask the state to support you in your folly. There are enough orphans and widows that need support, without the added burden of people who did not have to be dependent, but are through their own choices. We live in a society that caters to people who are dysfunctional, we reward people for bad choices. I feel bad for people who have not had the best of circumstances, but why perpetuate it? There are always alternatives, but some of them are really hard. work. I wish there was more of a sense of gratefulness for the opportunties offered and less entitlement "what about me!!" mentality. No one really owes us anything, we are not very grateful for what we have. I've been in bad spots but I didn't want to stay there and did everything I could to get out of them. In the end aren't we all accountable for our own actions? Ok, enough of a rant for today, gotta go, BYE!

I did want to add, I know this sounds kind of harsh, I don't want to sound that way. It's just frustrating to hear people complain that the goverment is not doing enough, we need more money in AID's research, we need more money in welfare, we need to do more for people. All the social service in the world won't make someone motivated to change their behavior, continuing to help them stay the way they are is not good. From the Christian perspective, at least mine, what impells me to do better is knowing that God is a loving god, that I matter to him and that he is beside me. Before I knew that I did stupid things for stupid reasons, I really didn't care. I had to understand my actions mattered, knowing that, I wanted to do what is right. It mattered to me how God feels about my life and my decisions. I know that some people don't care, that they have no compelling reason to try to change. People have to want to. How can the government make anyone want to change their life? No social service will change a heart, only God.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent, that was really well explained and helpful

Monday, January 09, 2006 3:13:00 AM  

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